In December 2022, Shuaibing Zhang very successfully defended his PhD thesis! During his beforehand preparations and study time, the PBT group members also prepared for this day: Bing’s graduation hat was assembled as well as the unique PBT graduation trolley on...
In December 2022, just before the new year, we launched our new website! From now on, you can find here all news and updates about the PBT team, our research, publications, outreach etc. Feel free to get in touch with us! Credits to NetProCreative for setting the...
In the episode “WSR054 Paläobiotechnologie und Räuber-Beute Beziehungen” of the Podcast “Wirkstoffradio” Pierre and Bernd Rupp discuss very comprehensively and easily-to-follow a bunch of connected topics in natural product research. Featured...