Martin’s conference season 2023 ends in Singapore

Martin’s conference season 2023 ends in Singapore

In 2023, Martin attended several conferences with the financial support of the Joachim Herz Stiftung (JHS) add-on fellowship to convey our findings and new paleobiotechological framework to the research community:   In January, he gave a talk at the conference...
We welcome our new lab member Loic

We welcome our new lab member Loic

Loic Kemadjou Pienkep joined our group in December 2023 as student research assistant. He will support our team in the lab. Find out more at Loic’s profile...
Our lovely Christmas tree is up

Our lovely Christmas tree is up

We are happy that our group Christmas tree is up and lovely decorated, even with a snowy landscape behind! Soon a nice pile of gifts will be collected below the tree so that the Secret Santa game can start. In the meantime, have a wonderful pre-Christmas season! A few...
Daniela Hildebrandt

Daniela Hildebrandt

Daniela Hildebrandt Technical assistant Phone: +49 3641 532-1193Email:   Daniela is a “real Jenenserin” (born in Jena). She has already been at the Leibniz-HKI for a long time. Her tasks are particularly the...
We welcome our new lab member Daniela

We welcome our new lab member Daniela

Daniela Hildebrandt joined our group in December 2023 as technical assistant. She will support our laboratory work thanks to her many years of experience. Find out more at Dany’s profile...