Dr. Annett Fischer

Portrait of Annett Fischer

Team assistant

Phone: +49 3641 532-1377
Email: annett.fischer@leibniz-hki.de


From engineering studies in Jena, over to working in academia while making a 9-years circle around Europe, and finally back to Jena as a team assistant at the Leibniz-HKI

Upon completion of her studies of biomedical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Jena in 2007, Annett spent almost three years in Sweden, first working as medical engineer in a hospital in Falun and thereafter starting an Erasmus Mundus Master’s programme in photonics at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. As part of the programme, she completed her second year of study at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. Her topic was to design, fabricate and characterise microstructured filters in the Photonics Group of Prof. Thomas Krauss. In 2011, Annett continued with a PhD in his group investigating flat lenses and tuneable filters based on semiconductor materials and MEMS structures. Meanwhile, the Photonics Group moved to the University of York in England. After the successful defense of her doctoral dissertation in 2015, she moved back to Jena and had a prolonged parental leave.

With a passion for analytical approaches, communication, textual work, and an openness to new challenges, Annett joined the Stallforth lab as a team assistant in February 2023.